Pitch Staircase

Pitch staircase: How to take people on a journey, step by step

Welcome to what is going to become a page about my essay “Pitching is like climbing stairs” (in the German original: “Pitchen ist wie Treppensteigen”).

The text was published first in Lars Diener-Kimmich’s book “Perfect Pitch – Mein Praxis-Handbuch” (in German).

It is linked to from the book itself. If you’re here because of the book and because you wish to learn more about what led to my essay (incl. the teachings of Kevin Harrington, original shark on the TV show “Shark Tank”), please let me know.

I will notify you when the page is ready.

Send me (Dave Hertig) your email to team at boom.ceo. Thank you for your interest and I’ll be in touch soon! Dave

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